#!/sbin/dinit /bin/sh uid="$(id -u)" if [ "${uid}" -eq "0" ]; then echo "init container" # set container's time zone cp "/usr/share/zoneinfo/${TIME_ZONE}" /etc/localtime echo "${TIME_ZONE}" >/etc/timezone echo "set timezone ${TIME_ZONE} ($(date))" # set UID & GID for the app if [ "${APP_UID}" ] || [ "${APP_GID}" ]; then [ "${APP_UID}" ] || APP_UID="1001" [ "${APP_GID}" ] || APP_GID="${APP_UID}" echo "set custom APP_UID=${APP_UID} & APP_GID=${APP_GID}" sed -i "s/^app:x:1001:1001:/app:x:${APP_UID}:${APP_GID}:/" /etc/passwd sed -i "s/^app:x:1001:/app:x:${APP_GID}:/" /etc/group else echo "custom APP_UID and/or APP_GID not defined, using 1001:1001" fi chown -R app:app /srv /home/app fi echo "prepare environment" # replace {% REMARK_URL %} by content of REMARK_URL variable find /srv -regex '.*\.\(html\|js\|mjs\)$' -print \ -exec sed -i "s|{% REMARK_URL %}|${REMARK_URL}|g" {} \; if [ -n "${SITE_ID}" ]; then #replace "site_id: 'remark'" by SITE_ID sed -i "s|'remark'|'${SITE_ID}'|g" /srv/web/*.html fi echo "execute \"$*\"" if [ "${uid}" -eq "0" ]; then exec su-exec app "$@" else exec "$@" fi