Fixes https://github.com/docker/build-push-action/issues/892 Related to https://github.com/docker/build-push-action/issues/321 Signed-off-by: Nicolas Vuillamy <nicolas.vuillamy@gmail.com>
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Cannot push to a registry
While pushing to a registry, you may encounter these kinds of issues:
failed commit on ref "layer-sha256:...": invalid content digest in response: invalid checksum digest format
failed commit on ref "layer-sha256:...": no response
failed commit on ref "manifest-sha256:...": unexpected status: 400 Bad Request
failed commit on ref "manifest-sha256:...": unexpected status: 401 Unauthorized
unexpected response: 401 Unauthorized
These issues are not directly related to this action but are rather linked to Buildx, BuildKit, containerd or the registry on which you're pushing your image. The quality of error message depends on the registry and are usually not very informative.
BuildKit container logs
To help you solve this, you have to enable debugging in the setup-buildx action step and attach BuildKit container logs to your issue.
With containerd
Next you can test pushing with containerd action using the following workflow. If it works then open an issue on BuildKit repository.
name: containerd
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
name: Set up QEMU
uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v2
name: Set up Docker Buildx
uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v2
buildkitd-flags: --debug
name: Set up containerd
uses: crazy-max/ghaction-setup-containerd@v2
name: Build Docker image
uses: docker/build-push-action@v4
context: .
platforms: linux/amd64,linux/arm64
tags: docker.io/user/app:latest
outputs: type=oci,dest=/tmp/image.tar
name: Import image in containerd
run: |
sudo ctr i import --base-name docker.io/user/app --digests --all-platforms /tmp/image.tar
name: Push image with containerd
run: |
sudo ctr --debug i push --user "${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }}:${{ secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD }}" docker.io/user/app:latest
repository name must be lowercase
You may encounter this issue if you're using github.repository
as a repo slug
in your tag:
#6 exporting to image
#6 exporting layers
#6 exporting layers 1.2s done
#6 exporting manifest sha256:b47f7dfb97b89ccd5de553af3c8cd94c4795884cbe5693e93946b1d95a7b1d12 0.0s done
#6 exporting config sha256:995e93fab8196893192f08a38deea6769dc4d98f86cf705eccc24ec96a3e271c 0.0s done
#6 ERROR: invalid reference format: repository name must be lowercase
> exporting to image:
error: failed to solve: invalid reference format: repository name must be lowercase
or a cache reference:
#10 importing cache manifest from ghcr.io/My-Org/repo:main
#10 ERROR: invalid reference format: repository name must be lowercase
To fix this issue you can use our metadata action to generate sanitized tags:
- name: Docker meta
id: meta
uses: docker/metadata-action@v4
images: ghcr.io/${{ github.repository }}
tags: latest
- name: Build and push
uses: docker/build-push-action@v4
context: .
push: true
tags: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.tags }}
Or a dedicated step to sanitize the slug:
- name: Sanitize repo slug
uses: actions/github-script@v6
id: repo_slug
result-encoding: string
script: return 'ghcr.io/${{ github.repository }}'.toLowerCase()
- name: Build and push
uses: docker/build-push-action@v4
context: .
push: true
tags: ${{ steps.repo_slug.outputs.result }}:latest
Image not loaded
Sometimes when your workflows are heavy consumers of disk storage, it can happen that build-push-action declares that the built image is loaded, but then not found in the following workflow steps.
- You can use the following solution as workaround, to free space on disk before building docker image using the following workflow step
# Free disk space
- name: Free Disk space
shell: bash
run: |
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/lib/android # will release about 10 GB if you don't need Android
sudo rm -rf /usr/share/dotnet # will release about 20GB if you don't need .NET
- Another workaround can be to call
with docker driver
name: Set up Docker Buildx
uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v2
driver: docker
More details in the related issue